Removing paint from clothes can seem daunting, but with the right approach, it’s entirely possible.
Over the years, I’ve dealt with my fair share of paint mishaps and discovered effective methods to tackle each type.

In this article, I’m going to share step-by-step tips and tricks that will help you save your favorite garments from stubborn paint stains.
Let’s dive in!
1. Dish Soap and Warm Water
Firstly, you should scrape off excess paint with a spoon or butter knife. Rinse the stained area under warm running water, then apply a mixture of dish soap and warm water.
Blot the stain with a cloth or sponge, working from the outer edges towards the center. Repeat as needed until the stain fades, then launder as usual.
This method works well for both latex and acrylic paints.
2. Rubbing Alcohol or Acetone
For tougher stains, especially dried paint, rubbing alcohol or acetone can be very effective. Turn the garment inside out and place a pad of cloth or paper towels under the stained area.
Saturate the stain with rubbing alcohol or acetone, then scrub gently with an old toothbrush. Keep blotting and reapplying the alcohol until the paint lifts off.
3. Hairspray or Nail Polish Remover
Hairspray and nail polish remover are good alternatives for breaking down paint stains. Spray the stained area with hairspray or apply nail polish remover, then use a clean cloth to blot the stain.
Scrub gently if necessary.
Once the paint starts to dissolve, rinse the area with warm water and launder as usual. This method is particularly useful for removing stubborn acrylic paint stains.
4. Turpentine or Paint Thinner
For oil-based paints, turpentine or paint thinner is often required. First, blot up as much wet paint as possible.
Then, place the stained fabric face down on a stack of paper towels and blot the back with turpentine or paint thinner.
Tamp the stain to help break it up. After most of the paint is removed, apply liquid dishwashing soap and soak the garment overnight before laundering.
5. Vinegar and Baking Soda
A natural approach involves using vinegar and baking soda. Make a paste by mixing baking soda and water, and apply it to the stain.
Pour vinegar over the paste, let it fizz, and scrub gently with a toothbrush. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and repeat if necessary.
This method is particularly gentle and works well on delicate fabrics.
6. Laundry Detergent and Scrubbing
For water-based paints, applying laundry detergent directly to the stain can be effective. Work the detergent into the fabric with a toothbrush or your fingers, and let it sit for a few minutes.
Rinse with warm water and repeat as needed. This approach is simple and can be done with common household items.
7. Commercial Stain Removers
Using a commercial stain remover can also be an efficient way to tackle paint stains. Products like Tide Ultra Stain Release or similar heavy-duty detergents are designed to break down tough stains.
Apply the stain remover directly to the paint stain, let it sit for 10-15 minutes, and then wash the garment as usual. Check the stain before drying, and repeat if necessary.